There are more successful schools than you think (see for yourself)
Guest blog by Sean Slade/Washington Post
For a while now, I have heard— and also said the words myself— that there are pockets of excellence all around the United States. This is true, there are great schools doing great things. However what is becoming clear is that there aren’t just pockets around the country, but rather excellence is everywhere: in every state, in every region, in every pocket of this country. If you listened just to news about public education or read some of the briefs coming out from the U.S. Department of Education, you could be forgiven for thinking that that the country is overrun by “dropout factories” and “failing schools,” and that we are inundated by schools that need a dramatic “turnaround” or even a “takeover.” You would be justified in thinking that the state of our nation’s schools was in total decline and that there was little reason for cheer. Actually, the truth is very different. (more...)