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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Tiny tax cut for most Californians equals a huge, hidden tax on the state's college students

Tiny tax cut for most Californians equals a huge, hidden tax on the state's college students

  • 08-25-2011
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Blog by Gary Orfield/Huffington Post

Critical decisions about California's economy and the future of its youth are in a downward spiral. In June, while legislators considered a budget with reduced revenue sources that would further hobble higher education in the state, the perception was that taxes were not being raised. But this is false: taxes have been raised -- on the youth of this state. Recent reports issued by the Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA show that the consequences of budget cuts fall disproportionately on youth of color -- the new majority in California. After the last round of cuts, up to 20 percent of college students polled in our studies indicated that they were considering abandoning higher education because they simply could not afford it any longer, and could no longer take the time out of the labor force while they waited to access the over-enrolled classes they need to graduate. Cuts to higher education are nothing less than an intergenerational betrayal of California's promise. (more...)


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