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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 To charter or not to charter?

To charter or not to charter?

  • 08-18-2011
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Blog by Shaun Johnson/Huffington Post

A confession: my name is Shaun Johnson, I'm a public school advocate, and I've considered opening a charter school. I know what you might be thinking. As a colleague and friend noted, it's like picking up all of my toys and playing elsewhere, implying that I'm exiting the public school system rather than working within it. In doing some very preliminary research and outreach, participation in the charter school movement is possible for someone like me, especially in urban areas where chartered schools are seen as viable alternatives to traditional public education. What is more, the density of metropolitan areas caters to school alternatives in ways that rural or suburban areas do not, even though one could argue that rural students, attending the only school within many miles, should be given some options as well. One important reason why I've considered a charter school is that I've worked in one. I'm not so afraid or suspicious of them. (more...)


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