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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 UC education now costs more than a Sacramento home

UC education now costs more than a Sacramento home

  • 08-18-2011
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By Phillip Reese/Sacramento Bee

As California's college students prepare to start classes again at University of California campuses, the sticker shock from fees and living expenses is likely fresh on their minds. How rough is it? Well, thanks to rising fees and falling home prices, parents can now get a typical house in Sacramento for less than the cost of a UC education for their children. The median home price in the city of Sacramento is about now about $150,000, according to tracking firm The estimated cost of five years at a University of California college for new students who live on campus is about $154,000 - and that's assuming fees don't continue to rise. (more...)



Also: Capitol Weekly


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