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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Under Bloomberg, a sharp rise in accusations of cheating by educators

Under Bloomberg, a sharp rise in accusations of cheating by educators

  • 08-23-2011
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By Sharon Otterman/New York Times

Annual allegations of test-tampering and grade-changing by educators have more than tripled since Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg took control of New York City’s school system, outpacing a broader increase in complaints of adult misconduct in schools during the same period, according to the special commissioner of investigation. The commissioner, Richard J. Condon, attributed the rise both to the expansion of the school system — its budget has more than doubled, to $24 billion from $11.5 billion when he took office in 2002, and the number of schools has grown to 1,700 from 1,200 — and to the higher stakes attached to standardized tests and classroom grades. The city’s performance bonuses, teacher evaluations, school progress reports and decisions on closings are all increasingly tied to student performance. (more...

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