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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 Want to see how the Kochs are ending public education?

Want to see how the Kochs are ending public education?

  • 08-16-2011
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Blog by Robert Greenwald/Huffington Post

 The Koch brothers have more than $42 billion to make public policy out of their anti-government ideology, and their assault against public education epitomizes their tactics to remake our nation. The Koch brothers founded Americans for Prosperity and have contributed more than $5 million to its political coffers. Americans for Prosperity, in turn, contributed to organizations that financially influenced a community school board election. That's right: the Koch brothers are involving themselves, through their wealth-backed political apparatus, in local schools. Americans for Prosperity allied with groups in North Carolina with the sole purpose of building a new majority on the school board in and around Raleigh. The Koch apparatus was trying to rewrite the social contract that made the Wake County school system a magnet for teachers and families and the surrounding communities prosper. (more...)



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