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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 August 2011 What’s missing in discussions of “children’s interests”?

What’s missing in discussions of “children’s interests”?

  • 08-26-2011
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Blog by David B. Cohen/InterACT

If you follow education policy debates in the media, you’re sure to hear certain phrases that catch on for a while because they provide a quick and convenient way to simplify and label people.  “Defenders of the status quo” know all too well what I’m talking about.  I once commented that if I were to refuse education “reformers” offering me gasoline to put out a fire, they’d call me a defender of the status quo.  If you don’t want the change they’re selling, there’s only one possible explanation. Another simplification I hear and read often is that school reform must be carried out with the interests of children placed ahead of the interests of adults.  Most recently, I found it (and commented on it) in a blog post by John Merrow.  What a beautiful sentiment!  You can’t argue against that, can you?  Well… I’m going to.  Though first, let’s stake out some common ground. (more...)


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