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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 2011 in education: The year of the awakening

2011 in education: The year of the awakening

  • 12-19-2011
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Blog by Anthony Cody/Education Week

In my summary of the year 2010 I wrote: [“]This was the year of the billionaire in education. And teachers, parents and students are wondering what we need to do to make 2011 turn out a bit differently.[”]  We figured it out alright. 2011 was the year of the great awakening. The year began with Wisconsin educators rallying to protect their rights, under attack from Governor Scott Walker. Jesse Turner had called it out even before 2010 was over - and along with a bunch of us from around the country, helped create the one of the big public education events of the year, the Save Our Schools March on July 30th in Washington, DC. This was a year of pushing back and occasionally breaking through. In March, President Obama revealed he actually shared the views of many when he spoke of the need for fewer tests. (more...)


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