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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 A couple thoughts on Tuesday's NYT Op-Ed

A couple thoughts on Tuesday's NYT Op-Ed

  • 12-09-2011
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Blog by Rick Hess/Education Week

On Tuesday, Linda Darling-Hammond and I published an op-ed "How to Rescue Education Reform" in the New York Times. (I take no responsibility for the immodest title; those of you who have written op-eds know how little control authors have on that score.) The piece has generated a number of notes, with several asking how the piece came about. The piece also seemed to raise the ire of various colleagues, including Bellwether's Andy Rotherham and Cato's Neal McCluskey. The background on how the piece came to be is only mildly interesting. Linda and I had no scheme to hatch a grand compromise. Rather, when the Senate HELP Committee held its final hearing on Harkin-Enzi last month, I was invited to testify. Linda, with whom I am friendly, reached out to say, much to my surprise, that she had heard what I had to say and that we were on the exact same page. (more...)



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