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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 A superintendent calls school reformers’ bluff

A superintendent calls school reformers’ bluff

  • 12-12-2011
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Guest blog by John Kuhn/Washington Post

As a public school administrator, I have been a steadfast critic of the legacy of No Child Left Behind. But I’ve recently figured out a way that school reformers can get me on their side. It’s very simple. My concern has long been that the test-based focus of NCLB and the insistence on assigning labels to struggling schools has really been about convincing Americans that public schools are failing in order to justify privatizing the system — to the benefit, of course, of investors, not children. Why think anything else, when “higher standards” are accompanied by slashed education budgets, continuing inequities in school funding, and continued efforts to roll back public sector employee rights? (more...)



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