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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Are school zero-tolerance policies too harsh?

Are school zero-tolerance policies too harsh?

  • 12-06-2011
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By Mary Nash-Wood/USA Today

Lindsey Tanner was a typical 14-year-old who enjoyed hanging out with friends and shopping. In May 2007, the eighth-grade honor student was making plans for the summer and excited to soon be a high school freshman . But after offering a single Midol pill to a fellow student, Lindsey saw her friends disappear and was subject to public ridicule. "My life changed completely," the now 18-year-old said. "I lost friends. I was picked on. Anything you can imagine happening, happened." By giving the friend the over-the-counter medication, Lindsey violated a Bossier Parish School Board policy forbidding drugs on campus. As a result, Lindsey, who had never been a discipline problem, was forced to attend a six-week drug and alcohol awareness program and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. (more...)



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