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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 California schools brace for fiscal fallout

California schools brace for fiscal fallout

  • 12-05-2011
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By Lesli A. Maxwell/Education Week

Thousands of California public schools face the prospect of slashing up to a week of instruction, canceling bus services, or laying off nonteaching staff in the middle of this school year because state revenues are expected to fall below what the governor and lawmakers counted on when they approved an $86 billion general fund budget last June. The Legislative Analyst's Office—the nonpartisan fiscal adviser to California's state lawmakers—predicts the state treasury will be down as much as $3.7 billion, which would automatically trigger up to $2 billion in midyear spending cuts in public programs that will fall hard on K-12 education. The analyst is also projecting a $13 billion shortfall in next year's budget. (more...)



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