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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 California’s stressed out schools -- survey of 30 largest districts

California’s stressed out schools -- survey of 30 largest districts

  • 12-14-2011
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By Louis Freedberg and Sue Frey/New America Media

The cascading effects of California’s deepening budget crisis and sickly economy are forcing public schools to cope with multiple stresses which could threaten how well students do in school. Until now, most attention has focused on student test scores as a way to gauge the health of a school. Even as federal and state governments relentlessly ask for schools -- and children -- to achieve at ever-higher levels, the number and intensity of a range of "school stress indicators” are on the rise. Except for the elimination of $248 million in funding for school transportation, school districts mostly escaped the mid-year “trigger” cuts that many feared would require additional cutbacks, including further reducing the school year. Yet school districts are still struggling to cope with the accumulated effect of budget cuts over the past three years. (more...)



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