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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Charter school proponents focus on accountability in word if not in deed

Charter school proponents focus on accountability in word if not in deed

  • 12-20-2011
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By Joy Resmovits/Huffington Post

The most recent call to close underperforming charter schools came not from a teachers' union or a school district, but from a charter-school trade association. On Thursday, the California Charter Schools Association trumpeted its call for districts to discontinue 10 charter schools the group identified as culprits of "consistent academic underperformance." "If you look at this in the longer term, you see this as increasing of the kind of accountability that will result in closures and charter schools understanding ... there's a level of accountability within the movement," Jed Wallace, president and CEO of the CCSA, told The Huffington Post. And it's not just happening in California, the first state with a charter-school association to recommend the closure of its own lackluster members after a steady trickle of research has shown that, on average, charter schools don't outperform traditional public schools. (more...)



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