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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Community schools: Proving that 'collective impact' works

Community schools: Proving that 'collective impact' works

  • 12-08-2011
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Blog by Martin J. Blank/Huffington Post

There comes a time when many fine examples of how to improve learning and life conditions for our children and young people hits a ceiling. They cannot get to scale, because as exemplary as they may be, they have an "isolated impact" on the issues. While collaboration may be part of their strategy, they often fall short of achieving deep changes in prospects for young people, especially those who are poor. That is why some funders and community leaders are retiring their search for a silver bullet with an approach called "collective impact." A recent article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review describes collective impact and how it works. (more...)


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