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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Failure rate of schools overstated, study says

Failure rate of schools overstated, study says

  • 12-15-2011
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By Sam Dillon/New York Times

When the Obama administration was seeking to drum up support for its education initiatives last spring, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan told Congress that the federal law known as No Child Left Behind would label 82 percent of all the nation’s public schools as failing this year. Skeptics questioned that projection, but Mr. Duncan insisted it was based on careful analysis. President Obama repeated it in a speech three days later. “Four out of five schools will be labeled as failing,” Mr. Obama said at Kenmore Middle School in Arlington, Va., in March. “That’s an astonishing number.” Now a new study, scheduled for release on Thursday, says the administration’s numbers were wildly overstated. (more...)



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