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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 How much does class size matter?

How much does class size matter?

  • 12-12-2011
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By Hechinger Report

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, in a recent speech to students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that in his ideal world, he’d get rid of half of his city’s teachers and double the salaries of those remaining. This statement, together with a weak economy and teacher layoffs, has led to renewed interest in the question of class size — and whether larger classes inevitably mean that students learn less than they otherwise would. CNN’s Christine Romans, host of the weekly “Your Bottom Line” show, interviewed Justin Snider of The Hechinger Report about class size in a segment that aired on December 10th. Opposite Snider was Leonie Haimson, founder and executive director of Class Size Matters. Last year, in a piece titled “Small classes are a luxury we can no longer afford,” Snider explained why attempts to reduce class sizes in California and Florida have yielded so few measurable benefits. Haimson wrote a rebuttal called “7 Class size myths — and the truth.” (more...)



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