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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Is it time for OUSD’s unusual budgeting system to become policy?

Is it time for OUSD’s unusual budgeting system to become policy?

  • 12-09-2011
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Blog by Katy Murphy/Contra Costa Times

To those who don’t work at schools or compulsively follow education policy, the finer points of school budgeting and resource allocation might sound like painfully dry reading material. But the issue evokes passionate debate in Oakland Unified, which does things differently than most districts. In other districts, it’s common practice for top administrators to determine the number of teachers and kinds of electives and programs for each school. In Oakland, those decisions are (at least, in theory) made at the school-level through OUSD’s unconventional budgeting system (Results-Based Budgeting, or RBB). (more...)



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