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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Is the U.S. becoming the anti-model of education?

Is the U.S. becoming the anti-model of education?

  • 12-20-2011
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Blog by Peter DeWitt/Education Week

The other day I was on Twitter reading messages and blogs from educators from around the world and found a blog by Joe Bower who is an educator in Alberta, Canada. After reading some of Joe's posts, I realized that he and I share the same philosophy about grading, homework and many other areas of education. Many of us believe that education needs to change. One of his posts stood out to me. It was a blog that was called "United States: How Not to Reform." It suggested that the current educational reform model in the United States is not worth replicating. For decades, education was mostly teacher-centered. Although we have a long way to go to move away from a teacher-centered educational system, many teachers and administrators believe in student-centered education and are finding innovative and creative ways to meet that goal. (more...)



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