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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Jerry Brown’s cagily worded initiative

Jerry Brown’s cagily worded initiative

  • 12-15-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Californians like the shorthand explanation of the tax increase that Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing for November. Seventy percent in a recent poll said they’d favor the initiative if the money would go to K-12 schools. But this would be true only in a narrow, technical sense. Schools will likely get billions of dollars less. That’s because, contrary to what he implies, Brown is not promising to give all $7 billion to schools and community  colleges from increasing the sales tax by 1/2 cent and income taxes on the wealthy. He’s promising only to increase Proposition 98 funding for education by raising state revenues by $7 billion. There’s a huge distinction, like the difference between your  gross income and your net income, after taxes and your mortgage payments are deducted. (more...)




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