Killer apps and creative disruptions
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
You’d have thought Salman Khan was George Clooney. After his keynote presentation and follow-up seminar at the California School Boards Association’s annual convention in San Diego on Friday, school trustees besieged him with question and requests. A few sought his autograph, others mugged for a photo with him. Eventually, the event moderator gently reminded them, “Mr. Khan has family waiting for him in the hotel.” Khan is the creator Khan Academy, whose 2,700 online tutorials are viewed by up to 3.5 million people each month. Started four years ago as YouTube math help for his cousins across the country, they’re now being used independently, Khan estimates, in 10,000 classrooms. This year, following a successful experiment with two fifth-grade math and two seventh-grade pre-algebra classes in the Los Altos School District, the videos are being formally piloted with teachers in 16 California school districts as an element of classroom math instruction (see an article in today’s New York Times). (more...)