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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Molly Munger’s challenge

Molly Munger’s challenge

  • 12-05-2011
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Column by Peter Schrag/California Progress Report

You have to hand it to Molly Munger – for courage, maybe, or maybe just for Quixotic dedication. Munger, a Los Angeles civil rights lawyer and former federal prosecutor, has devoted much of her career, and part of her considerable fortune, to expanding early childhood education and to equity for poor and minority children in our desperately underfunded schools. Last week she formally —and audaciously -- launched a campaign to raise an additional $10 billion a year in taxes for preschools and K-12 education. And that’s taxes not just on the rich, and not on oil companies or smokers, the legendary man behind the tree. Munger wants to pass an initiative next November calling for an across-the-board one-percent increase in income taxes on everybody except those with the very lowest incomes. (more...)



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