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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 New teacher decries lesson plan gap

New teacher decries lesson plan gap

  • 12-20-2011
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Blog by Jay Mathews/Washington Post

Maybe Bruce Friedrich raised the lesson plan issue because he was so out of sync with the recent college graduates who were the other Teach for America instructors at his Baltimore high school. He was 40. He had switched to education after first running a homeless shelter and then working for animal rights. He thought it was odd that despite the forward-looking reputation of the Baltimore district and Teach for America, beginning teachers still had to construct their lessons from scratch, as teachers have done for centuries. They were shown samples of the state tests their students would have to take. They were told where they might find good material. But as rookies, they had little idea which of a million possible options would work. “There were no exemplary lesson plans, no recommended class activities, nothing,” he said. (more...)



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