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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Poverty soars among children in California school districts

Poverty soars among children in California school districts

  • 12-07-2011
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By Julianne Hing/Color Lines

Poverty is soaring in California school districts, according to recent Census figures, with little relief in sight. As the number of children living in poverty continues to rise, meeting students’ educational needs becomes a more complex task, and the impact of poverty on children’s ability to learn can’t be understated, say education experts and community advocates. “Poverty creates a lot of constraints for families to provide appropriate learning environments for children,” said Angelica Solis, the executive director of Alliance for a Better Community, a Los Angeles-based community advocacy group that works with Latino families in the city’s public schools. “Everything from having enough food on the table to providing adequate space to study and a quiet place to sleep at night.” (more...)




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