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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Revealed: School board member who took standardized test

Revealed: School board member who took standardized test

  • 12-07-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

This is a follow-up to Monday’s guest post about a school board member who took a version of a state standardized test and was horrified at what he found. That post was written by veteran educator Marion Brady, who said he did not name the board member to save him from mean personal attacks by critics. The board member, however, agreed to talk to me about the experience on the record because he has come to feel very strongly about the issue. The man in question is Rick Roach, who is in his fourth four-year term representing District 3 on the Board of Education in Orange County, Fl., a public school system with 180,000 students. Roach took a version of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, commonly known as the FCAT, earlier this year. The FCAT, begun in 1998, has been given annually to students in grades 3 to 11 in  mathematics, reading, science and writing. (more...)



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