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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 School actions could top 100

School actions could top 100

  • 12-08-2011
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By Linda Lutton, Elliot Ramos and Sarah Karp/Catalyst Chicago

A decade ago this spring, then-CEO Arne Duncan introduced the first Renaissance schools and coined the phrase "turnarounds" to describe a process of firing a school's staff and hiring new people to, hopefully, improve the school. Since then, the announcement of school actions—turnarounds, closings and reconfigurements—has become an annual occurrence. Last week, CEO Jean-Claude Brizard continued the tradition, saying that he wants to turnaround 10 schools, close two, phase-out two and officially shutter a few other schools whose phase-outs started years ago. But what has become of the schools that have already been closed? (more...)



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