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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Schools' worst case: Cutting more than 700 positions

Schools' worst case: Cutting more than 700 positions

  • 12-08-2011
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By Emily Alpert/Voice of San Diego

The school board got a glimpse tonight of just how bad things could get for San Diego Unified schools: More than 700 positions would be eliminated. Class sizes would increase in many disadvantaged schools. Schools would be cleaned less often and have fewer counselors and nurses. California is slated to cut school budgets in the middle of the year if state revenues continued as projected. San Diego Unified and other school districts have to start crafting their budgets before they get final word. So they are planning for the worst. If California makes midyear cuts, San Diego Unified would likely have to cut between $26 million and $30 million. (more...)



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