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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Shop class retooled for future at O'Connell High

Shop class retooled for future at O'Connell High

  • 12-08-2011
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By Jill Tucker/San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco school officials are to unveil a $1.1 million barn-like industrial space on the John O'Connell High School campus today, a mark of the district's revitalized effort to bring back old-school shop classes with 21st century twists. The new building, the first solar-powered site in the city's school district, will hold the power tools for traditional carpentry classes immediately, but have the flexibility to accommodate high-tech courses like robotics or aeronautics at some point down the line, said David Goldin, district chief facilities officer. It's big enough that students could wheel in a small airplane and take it apart, Goldin said. The space at the Mission neighborhood school offers students the hands-on, career-focused learning of decades past, while including enough math and other academics to satisfy the requirements of a college-prep curriculum. This is definitely not your father's woodshop class. (more...)




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