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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Teacher power: The one percent solution

Teacher power: The one percent solution

  • 12-14-2011
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Blog by Anthony Cody/Education Week

Numbering more than four million, teachers represent better than one percent of the population of the United States. Given the fact that only about half the people in our nation actually vote, teachers are potentially even more than one percent of the electorate. And national elections are sometimes decided by margins smaller than this. Beyond our votes, teachers are connectors, influential among friends, family and community members. We have been bulwarks of the nation's middle class, but as with the rest of the 99 percent, things have been tough the past three decades. As the nation's sleeping middle class wakes up to the nightmare the American dream has been turned into, perhaps teachers have a chance to gain some allies as we seek to defend our schools. (more...)




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