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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Two dozen L.A. schools to lose federal funding

Two dozen L.A. schools to lose federal funding

  • 12-14-2011
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Blog by Howard Blume/Los Angeles Times

In the face of declining federal funds, Los Angeles school officials stripped about two dozen campuses of aid that has been used to improve the academic achievement of low-income students. The move, approved at Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting, was angrily opposed by school board member Tamar Galatzan. She represents the west San Fernando Valley, where eight schools are projected to lose the funding.  The students losing services are “just as deserving as students at other schools,” Galatzan said. Some schools facing sharp reductions are blocks from similar schools that will retain the extra aid. Galatzan also complained that the district has produced no data looking at how best to use the funds. (more...)



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