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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 December 2011 Why an anti-testing post went viral

Why an anti-testing post went viral

  • 12-19-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

A guest post on The Answer Sheet this month about a school board member in Florida who took a version of a standardized test and was horrified at what he found drew an unusually large readership. It could be a fluke that the post went viral, but it is more likely that the Dec. 5 post, written by veteran educator Marion Brady, hit a nerve with an audience increasingly disturbed about test-based school reform. From many quarters, questions are mounting about the use of standardized tests to hold students, teachers, principals, schools and school districts accountable. Scores of principals on Long Island are fighting New York state’s new educator evaluation system, which ties evaluations and pay for teachers and principals to how well students do on standardized tests. (more...)


Also: Washington Post


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