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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 A rare investment amid gutted schools

A rare investment amid gutted schools

  • 02-24-2011
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By Emily Alpert/Voice of San Diego

Walk into this tiny charter school and you might have to pinch yourself. While other San Diego schools trim the school year to save money, needy kids here soak up a dozen extra hours of instruction a week. While other schools sack employees, this school in San Diego's Stockton neighborhood has gone on a hiring spree and has new training and big bonuses to offer its staff. And it plans to buy paints and kilns, revamp its theater and hand laptops to teachers. The federal government is pouring $4 million into King-Chavez Arts Academy over three years, more than double its annual budget. It's a push to reform the very lowest performing schools, a label that the Arts Academy believes it never should have gotten in the first place. (more...)

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