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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 An Oakland school cut its last AP course, but teachers are teaching it anyway

An Oakland school cut its last AP course, but teachers are teaching it anyway

  • 02-11-2011
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By Katy Murphy/Oakland Tribune

Twice a week, 20 East Oakland teenagers get to school early, some of them arriving by bus before 7 a.m. They sacrifice sleep for something other high school students might take for granted: the chance to take advanced placement English. "For colleges to take me more seriously, I need to take these AP classes," said Ricardo Cruz, 17. "It's a must for me to take this class." Last year, as a record 1.8 million students from 17,000 schools around the world took advanced placement exams, the East Oakland School of the Arts cut its last AP class. But two English teachers -- Kateri Simpson and Marguerite Sheffer -- decided to offer it anyway, before school and on their own time. The sacrifice made by these teachers and students for an opportunity that's a given in other schools illustrates their commitment to education. It also highlights the system's inequities and the shortcomings of the Oakland school district's attempts at high school reform. (more...)

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