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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Attempts to deny Wisconsin workers the right to choose a union -- simply un-American

Attempts to deny Wisconsin workers the right to choose a union -- simply un-American

  • 02-17-2011
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Blog by Robert Creamer/Huffington Post

At this moment the Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker is doing his best to strip teachers and other state workers of the right to choose a union to negotiate their wages and working conditions. Some on the radical right seem to feel that this is a perfectly legitimate course of action. After all, the State of Wisconsin has a budget gap. But times like these are precisely when workers of any sort are most in need of collective bargaining. In fact, collective bargaining is not just some procedure that is or is not appropriate depending on the whim of an employer. The right to choose a union -- the right to collective bargaining -- is a human right every bit as central to Democracy as the right to vote, or freedom of speech. The right to choose a union is not a Democratic value or a Republican value. It is an American value. (more...)

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