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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Cash-strapped school district asks parents to donate $2,500 to prevent cuts

Cash-strapped school district asks parents to donate $2,500 to prevent cuts

  • 02-22-2011
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Blog by Sara Cardine/Los Angeles Times

Educators and a school group are hoping donations from parents can prevent teacher layoffs and bring aides back to kindergarten classes throughout La Cañada Unified School District. That was the predominant message of a town hall meeting last week organized by the La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation, which asked local school families to look deep into their hearts and pocketbooks to help make up for the nearly $5 million annually the district will lose as the result of continued spending cuts at the state level. School board members Joel Peterson and Scott Tracy joined Supt. Jim Stratton and foundation representatives in a packed La Cañada High School auditorium to explain the current economic climate. The discussion was a walk-up to an overall recommendation put forth by the foundation that school families contribute a total of $2,500 per year per household to allow LCUSD to return to the funding levels of 2007-2008. (more...)

Also: More articles on California districts' responses to budget shortfalls: CBS Los Angeles, Orange County Register, San Diego Union Tribune, Lodi News Sentinel, The Bay Citizen, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Sacramento Bee



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