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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Does Facebook boost civic engagement among American youths, too?

Does Facebook boost civic engagement among American youths, too?

  • 02-25-2011
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By Stacy Teicher Khadaroo/Christian Science Monitor

In Egypt, youthful revolutionaries spray-painted their thanks to Facebook on urban walls. In Wisconsin, a young demonstrator supporting union workers’ rights reportedly held up an iPad to play a scene from “The Empire Strikes Back” as he chanted against Gov. Scott Walker: “The Rebels brought down walkers; so can we.” Digital media are changing the way young people participate socially and politically – and scholars are scrambling to keep up with the implications. Some recent, first-of-its kind research examines the relationship between the Internet use and civic engagement of young Americans. Youths involved in online groups based on common interests, even if those interests were not political, were more likely to increase their level of volunteering, charitable giving, and expressing themselves about community issues, compared with similar peers who were not involved in online groups. (more...)

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