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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Don’t make guinea pigs of the nation’s lowest performing schools

Don’t make guinea pigs of the nation’s lowest performing schools

  • 02-23-2011
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Blog by Anthony Cody/Thoughts on Public Education

We need a new beginning for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Our most vulnerable students are being robbed of a good education, and the current menu of reforms is just making things worse. Ironically, helping the poor was supposed to be the purpose of this policy – it was even renamed No Child Left Behind, to indicate our determination to help every child advance. But this law has helped to widen the gap between educational haves and have-nots. We have a learning gap, whereby the children of privilege are taught to work together on creative projects in small classes, such as those attended by Sasha and Malia at Sidwell Friends school, while the children of the poor get intense test preparation, crammed into ever more crowded classrooms, taught by poorly trained interns that Congress has just declared “highly qualified.” (more...)

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