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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Educators push tax plan, warn of cuts if Brown budget isn't approved

Educators push tax plan, warn of cuts if Brown budget isn't approved

  • 02-02-2011
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By Claudia Meléndez Salinas/Monterey County Herald

The California Education Coalition, a group that represents parents, teachers and administrators, made its pitch for Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed tax extension Tuesday, warning of major cuts to education if the $9 billion plan is not approved. "The notion of another $2 billion in cuts is frightening to us and should be to everyone who cares about education," said Bob Wells of the Association of California School Administrators. Brown has said he will seek $9billion in cuts if the tax extension is not approved, $2.3 billion of which would come from K-12 education. "We want to be clear that this (budget) is not making us whole from cuts from previous years," said Debbie Lock, legislative director for the California State PTA. "We must find stable revenues that will fully support our students." The next few weeks will be full of uncertainty for education leaders, as they watch the debate among lawmakers about whether to place the tax extensions on the ballot. (more...)

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