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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Eliminating seniority-based layoffs: 4 things to consider

Eliminating seniority-based layoffs: 4 things to consider

  • 02-09-2011
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Guest blog by Matthew Di Carlo/Washington Post

Eliminating seniority-based layoffs of teachers is a policy idea making the rounds these days, with proponents making special appeals to cash-strapped states and districts desperately looking for ways to save money while minimizing decreases in the quality of services. Mayors, editorial boards, and others have joined in the chorus. There’s a few existing high-quality simulations that compare seniority-based layoffs with one alternative – laying off based on teachers’ value-added scores (most recently, one analysis of Washington State and another using data from New York City; both are worth reading). Unsurprisingly, the simulations show that the two policies would not lay off the same teachers, and that the seniority-based layoffs would save less money for the same number of dismissals (since the least experienced teachers are paid less). (more...)

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