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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Entitled to the facts

Entitled to the facts

  • 02-14-2011
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Blog by John Rogers/Huffington Post

Six months ago, the Los Angeles Times published a series of articles on teacher effectiveness that relied upon economist Richard Buddin's study of the impact of elementary school teachers on their student test scores. Using seven years of data from the Los Angeles Unified School District, Buddin's analysis looked at how much students' test scores in math and English language arts improved while they were enrolled in particular teachers' classrooms. That change is sometimes referred to as the "value added" by the teacher. The Times decided that Buddin's study was sufficiently valid and reliable that it published a website identifying about 6,000 individual teachers by name on a five-point scale, from "least effective" to "most effective." (more...)

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