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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Every Providence teacher gets layoff notice in crisis

Every Providence teacher gets layoff notice in crisis

  • 02-24-2011
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Boston Globe

The financially troubled city issued layoff notices to all its nearly 2,000 teachers because city officials say they must make an unknown number of cuts in the budget and they want “maximum flexibility.’’ State law requires school departments to notify teachers by March 1 if they will be laid off the following school year. The notices issued Tuesday do not mean the teachers will lose their jobs, just that they could at the end of the year. School Superintendent Tom Brady wrote to teachers Tuesday that the school budget outline for the next academic year is dire, with a projected deficit of nearly $40 million. Steve Smith, president of the Providence Teachers Union, told The Providence Journal that the decision was “beyond insane’’ and creates chaos and anxiety among teachers. (more...)

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