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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Few big-name charter operators opt for federal 'restart' grants

Few big-name charter operators opt for federal 'restart' grants

  • 02-25-2011
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By Mary Ann Zehr/Education Week

Some of the nation’s largest and best-known charter-management organizations have not jumped at the opportunity to “restart” schools with federal economic-stimulus money, but a wide range of smaller charter operators, private for-profit companies, and nonprofit groups have filled the gap. Only about 5 percent of schools receiving “school improvement grants” as part of the federal economic-stimulus package chose to turn around schools with the widely touted restart model, the only option out of four that enables school districts to turn schools over to charter operators as part of the U.S. Department of Education’s $3.5 billion grant competition. (more...)

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