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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Funding early childhood education, funding California’s future

Funding early childhood education, funding California’s future

  • 02-10-2011
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Opinion by John Deasy and Celia C. Ayala/The South Los Angeles Report

John Deasy is the incoming Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District. Celia C. Ayala is the CEO of Los Angeles Universal Preschool

There’s little doubt that California today is facing monumental challenges. High unemployment, a stubborn recession and a gargantuan budget deficit are staring us in the eyes. It’s quite evident that tough decisions must be made to right the ship. Gov. Jerry Brown began that process when he recently released his state budget proposal. Overall, it was a good start with one glaring exception: his plan to shift $1 billion in state and local Prop. 10 funds to balance the books. Doing so, in our opinion, would be a monumental mistake that would hurt education and health services for children statewide. When voters approved Proposition 10 in 1998 by imposing a new tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products, they did so because they supported the establishment of the much needed early education and social service programs for children age 0-5. (more...)

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