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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Harvard report questions value of 'college for all'

Harvard report questions value of 'college for all'

  • 02-02-2011
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By Catherine Gewertz/Education Week

By concentrating too much on classroom-based academics with four-year college as a goal, the nation’s education system has failed vast numbers of students, who instead need solid preparation for careers requiring less than a bachelor’s degree, Harvard scholars say in a report issued today. Leaders of the “Pathways to Prosperity” project at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education argue for an education system that clearly articulates students’ career options as early as middle school and defines the coursework and training required, so young people can chart an informed course toward work, whether as an electrician or a college professor. Their report arrives as experts are trying to define what skills are necessary for work and for higher learning. The proposal from an esteemed school of education sparked immediate concern—including what one activist called “a major case of heartburn”—for raising the specter of tracking, in which disadvantaged students would be channeled unquestioningly into watered-down programs that curtail their prospects. (more...)

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