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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 High court cases focus on in-school questionings

High court cases focus on in-school questionings

  • 02-23-2011
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By Mark Walsh/Education Week

A pair of cases to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court next month highlight broad questions about interactions between the police and the schools and the implications for school officials when investigators come knocking. In a case from Bend, Ore., a 9-year-old girl was pulled from her classroom one day in 2003 and taken to a school office, where she was interviewed by a state child-protective-services caseworker and a deputy sheriff. The authorities suspected the girl was being sexually abused at home. After lengthy questioning, the girl told the investigators that she had been touched inappropriately by her father. The girl and her sister were briefly removed from their home, but criminal charges against their father were later dismissed. (more...)

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