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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 High schools walk a tightrope in seeking funding from sports participants

High schools walk a tightrope in seeking funding from sports participants

  • 02-08-2011
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By Diana Lambert/Sacramento Bee

The website was clear: Inderkum High School students had to pay $75 to participate in sports. Problem was, since 1984, forcing public school students to pay to play has been against state law. Here's what the Natomas high school's website said: "In order to offer a high-quality athletic department, we are requiring each athlete to pay a one-time fee of $75." After Bee inquiries last week, the Natomas Unified School District immediately took it down. "This is not district policy," said Bobbie Plough, Natomas Unified's superintendent. She chalked up the mistake to a new vice principal. "None of us want to see a child deprived of the right to play, and I don't think any of us would intentionally do that," Plough said. Requiring payment for educational services, which include athletics, could become a costly mistake for school districts if a proposed Assembly bill passes. Districts that flout the law could be penalized 1 percent of their administrative funding. (more...)

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