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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Incoming LAUSD superintendent Deasy lays out broad agenda

Incoming LAUSD superintendent Deasy lays out broad agenda

  • 02-04-2011
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By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez/KPCC

During a speech at Loyola Marymount University Wednesday night, incoming L.A. Unified Superintendent John Deasy laid out his priorities for the 650,000-student school district. Before his appointment to the job, John Deasy worked at L.A. Unified for almost a year as deputy superintendent. He told the audience of students, educators and charter school officials that it was during that time that he discovered two districts: one with exciting, groundbreaking and successful schools, and "another, slowly receding, bureaucratic, inefficient, somewhat ossified and arcane rules and labor stalemates." Raising teacher performance, he said, will be his main priority. He’d like to see more sharing of best practices, innovation and the tracking of teacher performance measured, in part, by improvements in student test scores. (more...)

Also: Los Angeles Times

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