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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Indiana panel OKs labor bill as unions protest

Indiana panel OKs labor bill as unions protest

  • 02-22-2011
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By Tom Davies/Boston Globe

Union supporters shouted "lie" and "shame" at members of a Republican-led Indiana House committee who voted in favor of so-called right-to-work legislation, after impassioned arguments that it was aimed at weakening unions and would drive down wages. The House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee voted 8-5 along party lines Monday to send to the full House the bill prohibiting union representation fees from being a condition of employment as is included in the union contracts of some companies. Dozens of union members packed a small meeting room at the Statehouse for the committee's hearing, with many spilling out into the basement hallway and hundreds of others crowding onto the main floor, denouncing the bill and Republican-backed education proposals. (more...)

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