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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 It may be a sputnik moment, but science fairs are lagging

It may be a sputnik moment, but science fairs are lagging

  • 02-10-2011
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By Amy Harmon/New York Times

Rarely have school science fairs, a source of pride and panic for generations of American students, achieved such prominence on the national stage. President Obama held one at the White House last fall. And last week he said that America should celebrate its science fair winners like Sunday’s Super Bowl champions, or risk losing the nation’s competitive edge. Yet as science fair season kicks into high gear, participation among high school students appears to be declining. And many science teachers say the problem is not a lack of celebration, but the Obama administration’s own education policy, which holds schools accountable for math and reading scores at the expense of the kind of creative, independent exploration that science fair projects require. (more...)

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