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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 LAUSD likely to send out 7,000 layoff warnings

LAUSD likely to send out 7,000 layoff warnings

  • 02-14-2011
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By Connie Llanos/Los Angeles Daily News

Faced with a massive budget deficit and potential takeover by the county, the LAUSD board will be asked Tuesday to send layoff notices to 7,000 educators and support staff. The notices don't necessarily mean all those employees will lose their jobs in the 2011-12 school year, but the district by law must notify workers whose positions are in jeopardy. "We must plan for the worst because it just might happen," Deputy Superintendent John Deasy wrote in a memo to the board and Superintendent Ramon Cortines. The layoff warnings will be sent to 4,000 educators, and 1,000 cafeteria workers and janitors, officials said, to help carve away at a $408 million deficit next year. Pink slips will also be sent to an additional 2,000 educators whose jobs had been spared over the last three years because of an infusion of federal stimulus money. (more...)

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